Monday, November 30, 2015

Genes May Help Shield Seniors From Mental Decline: Study

Researchers suggest this allows older adults to continue to contribute to society

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Sugar-Free Sodas, Candy Can Still Damage Your Teeth

But, researchers add that there are easy ways to prevent lasting harm

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Minority Patients in ER Less Likely to Get Painkillers for Abdominal Pain

ER waits are also longer than for whites, study finds

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‘Asia-Pacific region faces epidemic of HIV among adolescents

 HIV, HIV AIDS, asia-pacific, asia pacific HIV, HIV spread, unsafe sex, world AIDS day, condom use, use condom,use protection India is among the 10 countries in the region accounting for 98 per cent of those aged 10 to 19 living with HIV.

India, China and Pakistan are among the 10 countries in the Asia-Pacific that account for 98 per cent of youngsters aged 10 to 19 living with HIV, according to a UN report which said the region is facing a “hidden epidemic” of HIV among adolescents.

The report ‘Adolescents: Under the Radar in the Asia-Pacific AIDS Response’, published by the Asia-Pacific Inter-Agency Task Team on Young Key Populations, which includes UNICEF and the Joint UN Programme on HIV/AIDS warned that the AIDS epidemic cannot be ended as a public health threat by 2030 without tackling the issue of adolescents.

In 2014, 220,000 adolescents aged 10-19 were estimated to be living with HIV in Asia and the Pacific.

India is among the 10 countries in the region accounting for 98 per cent of those aged 10 to 19 living with HIV.

The other countries are Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam.

Prevalence is particularly high in large cities like Mumbai, Hanoi, Jakarta, Bangkok, Chiang Mai and other urban areas.

The 2014 figure accounts for almost 15 per cent of all new cases in the region.

Although new infections are falling overall, they are rising among adolescents, coinciding with an increase in risky behaviour, such as multiple sexual partners and inconsistent condom use.

The report, released ahead of World AIDS Day, added that in hotspot urban areas, HIV prevalence can be many times the national prevalence.

In general, female sex workers in Asia and the Pacific are 29 times more likely to be living with HIV compared with all women of reproductive age, according to a global systematic review in low and middle-income countries.

“The Asia-Pacific region is facing a hidden epidemic of HIV among adolescents, with an estimated 50,000 new infections in 2014 among those aged 15 to 19,” the report said calling on governments to develop specifically targeted prevention strategies.

Those at highest risk include gay men and other men who have sex with men, transgender people, injecting drug users, and people who buy and sell sex.

In India, HIV prevalence among men who have sex with men is 3.5 per cent for those younger than 25 years while it is 4.9 per cent for men older than 25.

HIV prevalence among sex workers under 25 years of age in India was 1.7 per cent for the 2007-2014 period.

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After Concussion Symptoms Fade, Slowed Blood Flow in Brain May Persist

But preliminary study doesn’t determine whether that is cause for concern, experts say

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Fitness in Youth Can Pay Off Decades Later: Study

The better 20-somethings performed on treadmill tests, the lower their odds for dying in middle age

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Empliciti Approved for Multiple Myeloma

Drug boosts immune system to destroy cancer cells

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Teens More Cautious About Sex When Parents Set Rules, Study Finds

Kids tend to delay sex if Mom and Dad keep an eye on what they’re doing, who they’re with

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Obamacare Boosting Breast Cancer Screening Among Poor: Study

Researchers report that expansion of Medicaid coverage is improving access to mammograms

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Long-Distance Running Takes Toll on Joints, But It May Be Temporary

Cartilage between knee, ankle and foot joints has ability to regenerate, study suggests

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Weight Loss May Spare Knee Cartilage, Study Finds

Losing more than 10 percent of body weight was linked to slower degeneration of cushioning in joints

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Health Tip: The Benefits of Oxygen Therapy

Here’s how it can help

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Health Highlights: Nov. 30, 2015

Study Discovers How Alzheimer’s Destroys Brain Cell Connections /div

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Health Tip: Get the Facts on Iodine

It’s an essential part of your diet

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Explained: How cocaine use gives you that high

The findings also explains how cocaine use eventually leads to desensitisation. (Source: Thinkstock Images) The findings also explains how cocaine use eventually leads to desensitisation. (Source: Thinkstock Images)

The burst of energy that comes with a cocaine high is a rather accurate reflection of what is going on in the brain of users, a study has found.

Through experiments conducted in rats exposed to cocaine, the researchers mapped out the network of circuits that cause wild firing of neurons that produce dopamine — a neuro-transmitter that regulates movement and emotion. The findings also explains how cocaine use eventually leads to desensitisation, said researchers from Bordeaux University in France.

“Unravelling the neuronal circuit is a necessary first step in understanding the resulting behavioural changes induced by cocaine,” said senior author Francois Georges. The researchers used tracer molecules to follow electrical activity in the brain in rats exposed to cocaine. They found that a hub of neurons in the extended amygdala (the brain’s motivation or learning centre) acts as a relay between activation of the ventral subiculum (the brain’s addiction centre) and the hyperactive release of dopamine.

Since this change happens within the amygdala, it may explain some of the long-term effects on the behaviour and motivation that occur after prolonged cocaine use. The findings might be helpful for understanding and even changing the perception of natural rewards like those related to food or exercise, the authors concluded in the journal Cell Reports.

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Cipla ready to launch low dose HIV drug ‘Efavirenz’

 cipla, HIV, HIV drugs, cipla HIV drug, HIV treatment, world AIDS day, HIV infection, Cipla HIV medicine, HIV Aids, Cipla drug, cipla HIV treatment Drug major Cipla Ltd will launch low dose ‘Efavirenz’ used in treatment of HIV infection.

Drug major Cipla Ltd on Monday said it is ready to launch low dose ‘Efavirenz’ used in treatment of HIV infection.

On the eve of World AIDS day, the company announced “its readiness to supply its combinations Tenofovir/Emtricitabine/ Efavirenz and Tenofovir/Lamivudine/Efavirenz with a dose of 400 mg of Efavirenz as a first-line initial therapy for HIV infection”, Cipla said in a BSE filing.

“Studies now support the use of Efavirenz 400 mg as a substitute for Efavirenz 600 mg in cases where there is no co-infection with tuberculosis. Efavirenz 600 mg is currently used in antiretroviral therapy (ART) and is highly effective.

“However, it is known to have significant side effects, which can be very distressing for those taking it for treatment of HIV infection,” it added.

Cipla further said: “Studies found that the reduced dose of 400 mg Efavirenz was non-inferior to the standard dose of 600 mg Efavirenz dose when combined with Tenofovir/ Emtricitabine (TDF/FTC) and Tenofovir/ Lamivudine (TDF/ 3TC) as initial HIV therapy. Both doses demonstrated similar safety profiles.”

Citing UNAIDS data, Cipla said there are approximately 37 million people worldwide living with HIV of which around 15.8 million people are reported to be receiving ART. WHO recently announced that it recommended to make ART available to all HIV-infected patients as soon as they are tested positive.

The company said Efavirenz 400 mg, will also significantly reduce the cost of treatment.

“This strategy should dramatically decrease HIV transmission but will require large additional resources, as the cost of ART remains substantial in spite of price reductions by manufacturers,” it added.

Reducing the dose of Efavirenz in current first-line combination therapy to 400 mg will contribute to reducing costs without modifying the effectiveness of treatment. It is expected that new guidelines for HIV treatment will include this dose reduction to Efavirenz 400 mg, Cipla said.

Shares of Cipla were trading at Rs 648.85 apiece, up 0.97 per cent, on the BSE.

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Sunday, November 29, 2015

Dogs May Ease a Child's Fears

Kids with pets in the home were less likely to test positive for anxiety than those without, study found

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Could Your 'Holiday Blues' Be Seasonal Affective Disorder?

This form of depression runs in families, expert says

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Is that compliment on your new dress for real?

What proved to be more difficult, and particularly so for men, was identifying when someone was being sarcastic. (Source: Thinkstock Images)

When she says she loves your new haircut, is she telling the truth or being sarcastic? The answer is not always obvious, especially for men, a study says.

Also, for people who suffer from diseases like Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s, or neuro-developmental conditions such as Autism, any form of non-literal speech such as sarcasm, teasing or ‘white lies’ can be very confusing.

A new video inventory of examples of these forms of indirect speech developed at McGill University, Canada, should help in the diagnosis and clinical testing of those with disorders of this kind. “We tend to believe that people tell the truth most of the time,” said Kathrin Rothermich from McGill’s School of Communication Disorders. “So sarcasm and white lies seem to go against a basic understanding of what ‘should’ be happening in conversation. This may be part of what makes them so difficult to recognise for some,” Rothermich explained.

Rothermich and her colleague Marc Pell have developed the Relational Inference and Social Communication (RISC) video inventory. These 926 videos feature short, scripted scenes with four actors interacting in different relationships (as romantic partners, as friends, as colleagues, or as boss/employee). In each exchange, the actors were asked to convey one specific intention through their speech and actions: to be sincere, to tell ‘white lies’, to tease or to be sarcastic.

Rothermich then tested the videos on a group of healthy participants to see whether they were able to identify the speakers’ intentions, and to get feedback about which vocal and facial cues had helped them identify what was going on. Participants were generally well able to identify the speakers’ intention either when one of the actors was teasing someone else or when they were telling the truth.

What proved to be more difficult, and particularly so for men, was identifying when someone was being sarcastic. The findings were described in a paper in the journal PLoS ONE.

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Sugar-free drinks are equally bad for teeth, warn dentists

A majority of soft drinks and sports drinks cause softening of the dental enamel by 30-50%. (Source: Thinkstock Images)

If you have switched to sugar-free drinks to avoid tooth decay, don’t think that you’ve got rid of the problem. Even sugar-free drinks and foods may kick-off tooth decay, dentists have warned.

Researchers from University of Melbourne tested 23 different types of drinks, including soft drinks and sports drinks, and found drinks that contain acidic additives and those with low pH levels cause measurable damage to dental enamel, even if the drink is sugar-free, Daily Mail reported.

The cocktail of chemicals and acids in sugar-free food and drinks can have the same impact, wearing away at the teeth, researchers from University of Melbourne said. “Many people are not aware that while reducing your sugar intake doesn’t reduce your risk of dental decay. The chemical mix of acids in some foods and drinks can cause the equally damaging condition of dental erosion,” lead researcher Eric Reynolds was quoted as saying.

Dental erosion occurs when acid dissolves the hard tissues of the tooth. In its early stages, erosion strips away the surface layers of tooth enamel. Researchers measured dental enamel softening and tooth surface loss following exposure to a range of drinks. They found that the majority of soft drinks and sports drinks caused softening of dental enamel by 30 per cent to 50 per cent.

Both sugar-containing and sugar-free soft drinks (including flavoured mineral waters) produced measurable loss of the tooth surface, with no significant difference between the two groups of drinks, the study found. “We have even found sugar-free confectionery products that are labelled ‘tooth-friendly’ and which when tested were found to be erosive,” Reynolds said.

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Saturday, November 28, 2015

Why You Need Flexibility Exercises

Some joints lose up to half their motion with age, expert says

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Now, treat diabetes complications with these food items

These food items are known for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects and can provide protection from cardiovascular diseases and high blood pressure. (Source: Thinkstock) These food items are known for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects and can provide protection from cardiovascular diseases and high blood pressure. (Source: Thinkstock)

Cocoa and green tea contain substances that may help prevent and treat kidney complications and retinal lesions caused by diabetes, according to scientists at Brazil’s Campinas State University.

The findings are from a study supported by the Sao Paulo State Research Support Foundation.

Jose Butori Lopes de Faria, coordinator of the study, said the project “proved, in a rigorous way”, that cacao and green tea reduce the death of podocytes, the cells that restrict the transfer of proteins to urine.

(Also read: Now, ward off diabetes risk with Viagra)

“The transfer of albumin to urine is the main renal disorder in a patient with diabetes,” the scientist said.

The beneficial effects of cocoa and green tea were attributed to the presence of polyphenols, although, in the case of cocoa, researchers found that it contains other substances that might help treat the effects of diabetes.

One of them is theobromine, an alkaloid that activates the nervous system.

(Also read: Quick tips: Here’s what you need to eat to cut down your diabetes risk)

Theobromine’s possible benefits in the treatment of diabetes “had never been described before in specialized literature,” ophthalmologist Jacqueline Mendonca Lopes de Faria said.

The study was conducted on rodents with induced diabetes and on cells from rodent and human tissues exposed to high concentrations of glucose to simulate diabetes.

Green tea and cocoa are known for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects and, while tea might provide protection from cardiovascular diseases, cocoa lowers systolic blood pressure.

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DIY: Make your own organic acne face wash for oily skin

acne-main Making an acne face wash was never this easy.

Alright all of you oily skinned people out there, this DIY is for you. Today we are making a acne wash for oily skin, and it’s all organic. All you need is some apple cider vinegar, some honey and a bit of Tea Tree oil, which is actually a great antiseptic as well.

4/4 cup apple cider vinegar
½ cup honey
10 drops of Tea Tree oil

Mix it all up really well, till the stickiness gives way to becoming a lot more like a liquid wash.

Watch the video here.

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Friday, November 27, 2015

Bullies May Face Higher Odds of Eating Disorders: Study

Risk of anorexia or bulimia significantly higher than for kids not involved in bullying

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Celery-Onion Blend Is Cause of E.Coli Outbreak Tied to Costco Chicken Salad: CDC

Agency says samples of the salad ingredient tested positive for the bacteria and product has been recalled

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Assessing Health Issues of Child Refugees

Medical profiles of newly arrived children are important for treatment, researcher says

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The natural alternatives to cholesterol-lowering drugs

It also reported that these foods are as effective, if not more than the statin drugs. It also reported that these foods are as effective, if not more than the statin drugs.

Statins are a group of cholesterol-lowering drugs, prescribed to prevent heart disease but increased awareness to their side effects has forced many individuals to look for natural alternatives. The natural statins work as adjuncts to conventional therapy for those with heart disease and those with high cholesterol, even in individuals for whom high cholesterol is familial.

A recent study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that eating certain food could lower your cholesterol levels just as well as statin drugs. It also reported that these foods are as effective, if not more than the statin drugs.

Cholesterol-lowering food components include dietary fibres, good fats, phytosterols and some vitamins. In this particular study, researchers found that foods such as soy protein, tofu, various other soy products, nuts and cereal fiber, as well as plant sterols, can lower total cholesterol and especially LDL cholesterol, better than statin drugs.

Other less commonly known compounds and nutrients with cholesterol lowering benefits include probiotics like lactobacillus (obtained from fermented food products), guggulipids, red yeast rice, policosanol (found in jagerry and sugar cane), grape seed extract, cinnamon, turmeric, niacin, Pantethine and vitamin C.

Dietary fibre, specially soluble fibre, has particularly been shown to significantly lower cholesterol LDL (bad cholesterol) while levels of good cholesterol ( HDL ) remain unchanged and help prevent heart disease. Soluble fibre can be found in foods such as oats, barley, legumes (peas, beans), fruits (apples, prunes, and berries) and vegetables (carrots, broccoli, yams).

Interestingly, oatmeal is the only whole grain food recognized by the FDA to lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease, thereby having the licence to claim heart-protective ingredients in its food labels. Psyllium husk has also been known to exhibit cardio-protective role due to its high fibre content and beta-sitosterol (a plant sterol).

Good fat

Accumulating data from observational and clinical trials have reported that omega-3 fats actually reduce risk of heart disease by reducing triglycerides and total cholesterol.


Are plant sterols or stanols similar to cholesterol that act in the intestines to lower cholesterol absorption. They are most commonly found in fruits, vegetables including figs, avocados, nuts, oilseeds, oils such as rice bran, olive oil and whole grains including barley, oats and wholewheat.

Natural remedies

Guuggulipid or Indian Bedellium has been a mainstay of traditional Indian herbal medicine (Ayurveda) approaches in preventing high cholesterol and atherosclerosis.

Author is a clinical nutritionist and founder of and Whole Foods India

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Antibiotics still out of reach of many children

It has released estimates that show improved access to antibiotics could avert the death of several thousand children in India alone. It has released estimates that show improved access to antibiotics could avert the death of several thousand children in India alone.

Despite an increase in antibiotic consumption in the country, access to them is a continuing problem. An estimated 1,69,760 pneumonia deaths in children under the age of five in India could potentially be prevented through prompt access to effective antibiotics, a new Lancet study published on November 18 has said.

The study Access to Effective Antimicrobials – A Worldwide Challenge has been published online by researchers at the Centre for Disease Dynamics, Economics and Policy (CDDEP), USA, the New Delhi-based Public Health Foundation of India (PFHI), and the Princeton Environmental Institute, USA. It has released estimates that show improved access to antibiotics could avert the death of several thousand children in India alone.

More deaths would be averted in India than any other country, Ramanan Laxminarayan from PHFI and other researchers have said. More than a million children with untreated pneumonia and sepsis die each year. Improving access to antibiotics is particularly challenging in many rural and remote areas where frontline health workers employed in government programmes are unable to deploy antibiotics.

Many of the estimated 6.3 million children who passed away in 2013, died of preventable infectious diseases: 15 per cent of the deaths were due to pneumonia (9,35,000); 7 per cent due to neonatal sepsis or meningitis (4,21,000) and 2 per cent due to non-neonatal meningitis (1,51,000).

According to calculations, an estimated 40.4 million episodes of acute febrile illnesses in children aged younger than five years are caused by three common bacterial pathogens, with only 27.5 million of them being treated with antibiotics. The researchers have therefore concluded that increasing antibiotic access could benefit the remaining 12·9 million children who are not covered by antibiotic intake.

By averting 4,44,536 present deaths of the estimated mean total of 5,89,549 community-acquired bacterial pneumonia deaths across the 101 countries in the sample, universal provision of antibiotics could reduce these deaths in the young children by an estimated 75·4 per cent, the researchers have explained.

Weak health care systems in low and middle income countries face the problem of access to antibiotics. This is also complicated by overuse of powerful drugs which has led to development of drug-resistant bacteria and hence renders certain antibiotics powerless to fight infection.

Between 2000 and 2010, worldwide consumption of antibiotics increased by 36 per cent, with Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa (BRICS) accounting for three-quarters of this hike despite collectively representing only 40 per cent of the world’s population.

In BRICS countries, 23 per cent of the increase in the retail sales volume was attributable to India where regulations to control over-the-counter sales of antibiotics are poorly enforced.

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Buckle Up in the Backseat, Experts Advise

About 400 deaths a year might be prevented if more people wore rear seatbelts

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Sweat to Help Reduce Your Risk for Prostate Cancer

Vigorous exercise, nutritious diet lower odds for deadly forms of the disease, research suggests

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Health Tip: Learn About Processed Foods

Check ingredient labels for harmful contents

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Health Tip: Keeping Anger in Check

Learn to maintain your cool

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Bikini babe celebrates new BODY after husband buys her £8000 'body lift'

A WOMAN celebrated wearing a bikini for the first time in 15 years after her husband treated her to a new BODY.

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Thursday, November 26, 2015

Too Much Sitting Hurts Heart Patients' Health

Exercise doesn’t mitigate effects of sedentary lifestyle, study finds

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Frequent Heartburn May Signal More Serious Digestive Problem

Could be gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and treatments can help, expert says

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McDonald's have brought out a 48-piece McNugget meal

JUST when we thought McDonald’s couldn’t be any more outrageous, they’ve introduced what can only be described as a mega meal.

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Healthy Holiday Substitutions Can Help Your Heart

Try replacing sugar and butter with fruit, vegetable oil

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Turkey Day Touch Football Might Lead to Ankle Injuries

Doctors’ group offers tips on dealing with joint damage

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FACT: Brits REBEL against sausage and bacon 'cancer' ruling in favour of Full English

SINCE the World Health Organisation categorised sausages and bacon as potentially dangerous for people’s health, there has been uproar from Brits.

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Health Tip: Stuff Your Holiday Bird Safely

And avoid food-borne illness

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Health Tip: Reward Yourself for Reaching Fitness Goal

Here a some ideas

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Hidden belly fat may be killing you: Expert

Given that it is “hidden”, visceral fat is difficult to measure using traditional methods and is, therefore, rampant in Indians as compared to their Western counterparts. (Source: Flickr)

Visceral or “belly fat” stored within the abdominal cavity can do more harm to health than subcutaneous fat (fatty tissue lying directly under the skin), says an expert.

Belly fat can cause conditions such as diabetes mellitus and heart disease and is associated with abnormal lipid profiles and insulin resistance. “As many as 30 per cent of people who come to us for weight loss are unaware of underlying medical conditions such as hypertension, hypothyroid, diabetes, hyperinsulinemia and arthritis, which need immediate medical attention,” said Vandana Luthra, founder of VLCC, an Indian wellness brand, on the occasion of Anti-Obesity Day that falls on November 26.


Also see:

5 ways: How to shape up your belly

Five yoga poses for a healthy body and mind


Given that it is “hidden”, visceral fat is difficult to measure using traditional methods and is, therefore, rampant in Indians as compared to their Western counterparts. A recent study by Annaswamy Raji, published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, showed that Indians have significantly more total abdominal and visceral fat for any given body mass index (BMI) as compared with Caucasians.

VLCC conducted a study on more than 1.5 lakh people to find that its clients had high visceral fat levels with an average of 14 instead of a high normal of 10. This significantly increases their risk of cardiovascular disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, sleep apnea and certain cancers.

“Even a reduction of 5-10 per centof body weight can result in a reduction of 10-30 per cent of abdominal fat,” VLCC added in a statement. VLCC initiated “Anti-Obesity Day” in 2001 to create awareness about obesity — a public health hazard that was spreading globally.

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Former SQUASHER sheds 16 stone after splitting from feeder boyfriend

A FORMER obese woman has dropped whopping 16 stone after leaving her feeder boyfriend.

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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Probiotics May Not Shield 'Preemies' From Serious Illness, Study Finds

More research on individual strains of these good bacteria may be needed

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Obesity in Youth May Harm the Heart Long-Term, Even After Weight Loss

Risk of sudden cardiac death was still higher, decades after women had lost the pounds, study found

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Those in Their 50s Now Largest Group Battling Addiction to Narcotics: Study

Big jump also seen in those aged 60 and older needing treatment for painkiller, heroin abuse

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Progesterone May Not Help Prevent Repeat Miscarriage, Study Finds

Findings likely to disappoint many couples, researcher says

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Mosquito-Borne Virus May Cause Fatal Brain Infection

Chikungunya outbreak on Reunion Island finds encephalitis more common than previously believed

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Smog Raises Heart Risks in Those With Diabetes, Study Says

Long-term study showed prolonged exposure linked to heart disease, stroke

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Retail Prices of Dermatology Drugs Skyrocket

Study reveals quintupling of prices over six years

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Health Highlights: Nov. 25, 2015

Turing Won’t Cut Price for Toxoplasmosis Drug /div

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Post-Op Bacterial Infection Raises Odds for Complications, Death

Clostridium difficile can be devastating to patients recovering from surgery, experts say

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E. Coli Linked to Costco Chicken Salad Sickens 19 in Seven States

CDC still tracking down specific ingredient that may harbor the germ

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Constant Traffic Noise May Boost Depression Risk

Vulnerability is higher among those with a low education and income, researchers report

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Heart Disease Doesn't Take a Holiday

Don’t forget to take your meds with you when you travel, expert says

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Don't Let Reflux Ruin Your Thanksgiving

Expert offers tips for avoiding heartburn this holiday

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Health Tip: Thawing Your Thanksgiving Turkey

Do it right

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Health Tip: Easing the Discomfort of Bronchitis

Take steps to help ease coughing

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Get 8 hours of sleep to improve your memory

When given an opportunity to sleep for up to 8 hours, participants correctly matched 12 per cent more of the faces and names. (Source: Thinkstock Images)

Do you want to better remember new names and faces? Go, hit the sack. According to researchers, people are better at remembering faces and names if they get 8 hours of sound sleep after seeing those faces and names for the first time.

Many different kinds of memories are improved with sleep.

While a couple of studies have looked at how naps might affect our ability to learn new faces and names, no previous studies have looked at the impact of a full night of sleep in between learning and being tested.

“We found that when participants were given the opportunity to have a full night’s sleep, their ability to correctly identify the name associated with a face – and their confidence in their answers – significantly improved,” explained Jeanne F Duffy, associate neuroscientist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH).

Participants in the study underwent testing in a controlled environment while staying at BWH’s centre for clinical investigation.

They were shown 20 photos of faces with corresponding names from a database of over 600 colour photos of adult faces and asked to memorise them.

After a 12-hour period, they were then shown the photos again with either a correct or incorrect name.

In addition to answering whether or not the correct name was shown, participants were asked to rate their confidence on a scale of one to nine.

When given an opportunity to sleep for up to 8 hours, participants correctly matched 12 per cent more of the faces and names.

The findings suggest that sleep after new learning activities may help improve memory.
While the current study was conducted on healthy subjects in their 20s, the research team would like to explore the implications for people of all ages, including older adults.

“Sleep is important for learning new information. As people get older, they are more likely to develop sleep disruptions and sleep disorders, which may, in turn, cause memory issues,” Duffy noted.

By addressing issues with sleep, we may be able to affect people’s ability to learn things at all different ages, the authors concluded in a paper appeared in the journal Neurobiology of Learning and Memory.

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Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Did you know, too much stress can lead to skin problems

The study aimed to assess the relationship between perceived psychological stress and the prevalence of various skin symptoms in a large sample of undergraduate students. (Source: Thinkstock Images) The study aimed to assess the relationship between perceived psychological stress and the prevalence of various skin symptoms in a large sample of undergraduate students. (Source: Thinkstock Images)

Psychological stress is associated with skin complaints such as itchy skin and flaky patches on the scalp among college students, warns a new study.

The study aimed to assess the relationship between perceived psychological stress and the prevalence of various skin symptoms in a large sample of undergraduate students. “Previous studies have demonstrated an association between stress and skin symptoms, but those studies relied on small patient samples, or focused their analyses on a single skin disease,” said corresponding author of the study Gil Yosopovitch from Temple University in Philadelphia, US.

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For the study, over 400 undergraduate-aged patients were divided into groupings labelled as low stress, moderate stress and high stress. The high stress group suffered significantly more often from itchy skin, hair loss, oily, waxy or flaky patches on the scalp, troublesome sweating, scaly skin, nail biting, itchy rash on hands and hair pulling.

“These findings further suggest that non-pharmacologic therapeutic interventions should be considered for patients presenting with both skin conditions and heightened levels of psychological stress,” Yosipovitch noted. “Our findings highlight the need for health care/dermatology providers to ask these patients about their perceived levels of psychological stress. Disease flare or exacerbation while on treatment in the setting of increased stress may not necessarily reflect treatment failure,” Yosipovitch noted.

The study was published in the journal Acta Dermato-Venereologica

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Women Starting to Match Men's Drinking Habits, Study Finds

Men still consume more alcohol, but gap is narrowing

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Pricey Hepatitis C Drugs Denied to Almost Half of Medicaid Patients: Study

But another study shows treating all infections would save more than $3 billion in long run

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Ban Crib Bumpers Because of Rising Deaths, Researchers Say

Many of these fatalities were preventable, study reveals

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More Cervical Cancers Caught Early Among Young Women Since Obamacare

Researchers suggest provision allowing young adults to stay on parents’ insurance linked to more screening

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Could Obesity Be Wired Into Some Children's Brains?

Food smells elicit stronger reactions in heavier kids, small study finds

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Alzheimer's-Linked Brain Plaques May Also Slow Blood Flow

Amyloid beta clumps may constrict blood flow, adding to neurological woes, animal studies suggest

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Could PMS Raise Women's Risk for High Blood Pressure?

Study found rise in odds for hypertension in those with moderate-to-severe premenstrual syndrome

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Play it Safe Cooking the Thanksgiving Feast

Risk of fire, burns high during the holiday, expert warns

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Health Tip: Stay Well Despite Diabetes

Here’s what you can do

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Health Tip: Promote Better Brain Health

Feed it knowledge and nutrition

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Monday, November 23, 2015

Chronic Fatigue Therapies Provide Some With Long-Term Relief

Study shows benefits from certain treatments can last more than two years

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Too Many Pregnant Women Gain Too Much Weight: Doctors' Group

Obesity can lead to complications for both mom and baby, experts say

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Breast-Feeding May Cut Risk of Type 2 Diabetes for Some Women

Study looked at moms who had already diabetes in pregnancy

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Columbus Did Not Bring Syphilis Back to Europe, Research Shows

Traces of the STD’s effects are found on 14th-century Austrian skeletons, scientists say

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High 'Resting' Heart Rate Tied to Higher Odds of Early Death

But more research is needed before this can used as a marker, expert says

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Danger Persists for Young Women After Heart Attack, Stroke

Odds of another life-threatening event are much higher than normal, study says

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Health Highlights: Nov. 23, 2015

Chipotle-Linked E. Coli Outbreak Expands to Six States: CDC Medical Protective Suits Stolen From Paris Hospital Two States to Allow Pharmacists to Prescribe

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Everything you think you know about healthy food could be WRONG, new study reveals

SCIENTISTS claim tailoring meal plans to individuals’ biology may be the future of dieting.

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ADHD Medications Linked to Sleep Problems in Kids

Review of studies finds drugs like Ritalin, Adderall may create sleep woes for some

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Caffeine in Pregnancy May Not Harm Baby's IQ, Study Finds

Study looked at moderate amounts – about one to two cups of coffee

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Ah-Choo! Sneeze 'Cloud' Quickly Covers a Room, Study Finds

Videos of sneezers show droplets are of varying sizes, move at high velocity

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Health Tip: Safety Suggestions for Teenage Babysitters

For starters, be sure there’s someone to escort you home from a babysitting job at night

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Colon Cancer Screening Rates on the Rise in NYC

Unique coalition may be one reason why, and might serve as model for other cities, experts say

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Health Tip: Are You Flossing Correctly?

Here’s what experts recommend

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Woman shed a THIRD of her bodyweight eating MORE bacon and butter

A PREVIOUSLY obese mum has shared her secret to dramatic weight loss, and it’s all about eating more fatty foods.

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Sunday, November 22, 2015

Why Women Should Lower Their Holiday Stress Level

Too much pressure can lead to heart damage, cardiologist says

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Now, cheap and effective medical facilities right at your doorstep

All the HCAH healthcare providers carry hi-tech tablet devices loaded with an in-house technology platform that ensures that all the details are provided to the treating doctor so that precise and appropriate treatment could be done. (Source: Thinkstock Images)

Want homely, cheap and efficient care for your elderly parents or a terminally-ill relative without the hassle of visiting hospitals every now and then? Welcome to the world of new-age healthcare providers right at your doorstep.

At a time when increasing hospital costs are set to burn a deeper hole in your pocket if a seriously ill patient in your family needs 24-hour attention, healthcare service providers are now offering services ranging from routine medical procedures to chemotherapy and even intensive care unit (ICU) set-ups right in the comfort of your home. “The home is the best place for recovery, provided certain post-hospital discharge protocols are followed. This is because the patient is surrounded by loved ones and familiar faces. This infuses a positive attitude towards health and helps in quicker recovery,” said Gaurav Thukral, vice-president of the Health Care At Home (HCAH) India.

Currently providing its services to 30,000 patients in cities such as Delhi-NCR, Chandigarh, Bengaluru, Jaipur, Ajmer, Amritsar and Ludhiana, HCAH plans to reach every nook and corner of the country in the next two years. “Our way of working is very simple yet highly specialised. From suggesting doctors to the patients to implementing the treatment suggested by their doctor, we do it all, Thukral added. “Patients approach us directly or their doctors send them to us. We execute treatment on the basis of their doctors’ prescription. The home visit report is then shared with the doctors,” he said.

Asked about the number of doctors in his network, Thukral said the company had “tie-ups with doctors across hospitals”. He, however, could not estimate the exact number of doctors. “We are working hard to expand our services to tier-2 and tier-3 cities soon,” Thukral said.

Randeep Wadhawan, director (minimal access surgery) at Fortis Healthcare, said: “When I referred my first patient to Health Care at Home, the post-operative care provided was fantastic. I have referred more patients to them and I am extremely happy with the kind of services being provided by HCAH.”

HCAH is a joint venture between the Burman family — the promoters of natural healthcare products maker Dabur Ltd — and Gareth Jones and Charles Walsh, the founders of Britain-based HCAH. With respect to if the services providded by HCAH are better than visiting a doctor in the hospital, Thukral said, “Being treated at home saves time, is cost-efficient and convenient too. HCAH service providers keep a constant tab on the patient’s condition and the developments are communicated to the treating doctors in real time.”

All the HCAH healthcare providers carry hi-tech tablet devices loaded with an in-house technology platform that ensures that all the details are provided to the treating doctor so that precise and appropriate treatment could be done. “The backbone of the company is its experienced and trained staff — nurses, nutritionists, dietitians, counsellors, physiotherapists and healthcare associates — who, after joining HCAH, embark on a rigorous six-week training,” Thukral said.

The HCAH services are cost -effective too. HCAH cuts down expenditures by reducing cost of travel and stay cost to the hospital as well as costs incurred on staying at hospitals for the patient’s attendants. “As compared to the hospital cost of Rs 25,000-50,000 per day, we provide an ICU set-up at the comfort of your home at just Rs 7,000-10,000,” Thukral said.

HCAH provides all the necessary treatment, equipment and infrastructure required for a patient’s well-being. “Moreover, when the patient is in a friendly environment, it reduces the need for re-admission which further helps in cutting down the costs,” he concluded.

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Saturday, November 21, 2015

Friday, November 20, 2015

New 'Collar' Aims to Help Shield Brain From Concussion

Device boosts brain fluid to create a cushioning effect, developers say

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Most First-Time Moms Plan to Follow Vaccine Schedule

11 percent intend to spread out the recommended inoculations, survey finds

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Diet diary: Ditch that low-fat diet, it may not help much in the long run

The search for the ideal weight-loss diet continues — from low-calorie to low-fat and high-protein to high-fat and low-carb etc. Since one size does not fit all, obviously, each one works differently. There is no formula which succeeds for all. Each approach has its strengths and limitations. The most important criteria, however, goes beyond weight loss. It is what follows weight loss, that is sustainability.

A recent meta-analysis, published in 2015 in the prestigious scientific journal ‘Lancet’, reviewed 53 published weight loss studies which studied nearly 68,000 adults and showed there was no significant long-term weight loss among people who were on low-fat diets compared to those who were on higher-fat diets, like the Mediterranean. In fact, high-fat diets are more effective with respect to compliance and sustainability when compared to low-fat diets.

The issue to be addressed is the quality of fat. Fats of inferior quality like hydrogenated fats, margarines, trans fat laden fried foods can be counter-productive and harmful. Good fats present in nuts, seeds, fatty fish, cold pressed oils and dairy are desirable and favour weight-loss, along with providing satiety and taste.

The Mediterranean, the French and the Spanish diets symbolise the benefits of good quality and high-fat diets. Mediterranean diets have been extensively reported to be associated with favorable health outcomes, better quality of life and longevity. Studies on Mediterranean diets have reported a reduced risk of major chronic degenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, obesity and heart disease.

In fact, a low-fat diet works out to be high on carbohydrates which is unsuitable, specially for the Indian population, which is genetically predisposed to obesity, diabetes and belly fat. Switching from high carbohydrates and toxic fats in bakery products and oily namkeens to good fats through nuts and seeds can be a valuable part of a weight-loss diet. Many people believe that nuts are high in cholesterol and are bad for the heart, while others believe that they are bad for weight-loss as they are high in calories. Both these beliefs are untrue.

Nuts and seeds have a very low glycemic index and play a vital role in weight management. Their high satiety value makes them an ideal snack for weight watchers. They offer the easiest way to relieve hunger pangs and help prevent food cravings by regulating blood sugar levels and providing vital nutrients.

Sustainable dietary approach to weight management

Cut down on total calories.

* Follow the half-plate rule: reduce your grains and cereals in favour of vegetables.
* Include adequate protein through fatty fish, lean meats, eggs, dairy, pulses, lentils, sprouts, nuts and seeds.
* Reduce free sugars and salt.
* Switch to healthy fats. Say no to trans fats.
* Moderate alcohol, if you drink.
* Manage stress.
* Maintain an active lifestyle.

Author is a clinical nutritionist and founder of and Whole Foods India

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E-Cigarette Ads Boost Use Among Young Adults, Study Finds

Researchers explore potential impact of unrestricted marketing

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Ninlaro Approved for Multiple Myeloma

Blocks certain enzymes, hindering cancer-cell growth

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Child Care Centers Offering Too Little Outdoor Time

Some kids don’t even get the hour-a-day minimum, researchers report

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Scientists May Have Spotted Happiness' Home in the Brain

Japanese team used MRI scans to spot region most active in contented people

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Teasing Girls About Weight May Cause Lasting Harm

Study finds link between being made fun of and problematic eating behaviors

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Fred Flintstone had a sweet tooth - timeline of our cravings traced back to the Stone Age

BRITAIN’S sweet tooth developed as early as 8,000BC during the days of cavemen, historians have revealed.

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Yoga May Boost Quality of Life for Prostate Cancer Patients

Small study shows those undergoing radiation therapy had fewer side effects, less fatigue

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Kids Who Take ADHD Meds More Likely to Be Bullied, Study Finds

Odds rose even higher if child sold or gave away the drugs

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Depression More Common in Daughters of Older Mothers, Study Suggests

But researchers only found an association, and age gap didn’t seem to affect sons

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Exercise Can Reduce Heart Failure Risk, No Matter Your Age

Even those who start moving later in life could see benefits, study finds

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Health Highlights: Nov. 20, 2015

NFL’s $1 Billion Concussion Lawsuit Settlement Goes to Appeals Court Last of U.S. Government-Owned Chimps to be Retired EPA Plans Tighter Limits on Downwind

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Health Tip: End Nail Biting

Suggestions to help you kick the habit

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Health Tip: Exercising With Diabetes

First, speak with your doctor

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Thursday, November 19, 2015

Childhood Cancer Survivors May Suffer Physically, Mentally Decades Later

Long-term effects of powerful treatments merit further study, experts say

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Drug Overdose Rates Soaring Among U.S. Youth

Report finds prescription painkillers, heroin largely to blame, with some states hit especially hard

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Motorized Wheelchair Users at Raised Risk for Traffic Deaths: Study

Over 500 wheelchair-using Americans died in such accidents over 6 years, researchers report

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Shorter People Less Likely to Get Lung Transplants

They also have higher odds of dying while waiting for surgery, the study says

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Cancer Survivors, Overweight Men May Face Job Discrimination

If applicants were heavy or revealed previous illness, they got negative responses, studies say

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Do Men 'Eat to Impress' When a Woman's Around?

Guys ate 93 percent more pizza from an Italian buffet when a female was at the table, study found

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Genetically Engineered Salmon Gets FDA Approval

It’s first animal-based food to get OK from the agency, which says it’s safe to eat and doesn’t need special label

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FDA Approves Nasal Spray to Reverse Narcotic Painkiller Overdose

Drug marketed as Narcan offers new treatment option for family members or first responders

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When Do Kids Learn 'Fairness'? Culture May Matter, Study Finds

Experiment sheds light on how children in different countries react to being given more than their peers

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Gel Injections May Help Heart Failure Patients

But larger study needed to assess the effectiveness and safety of the implants

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Health Highlights: Nov. 19, 2015

EPA Plans Tighter Limits on Downwind Air Pollution /div

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Potential Treatment for a Serious Respiratory Infection in Kids

Preliminary study of new drug for RSV yields promising results, experts say

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Wives Worry, Husbands Get Frustrated When Problems Arise

Over the long term, men report higher levels of emotional support, less marital strain than women

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Now, ward off diabetes risk with Viagra

Viagra has a lot of benefits. It also helps eliminate malaria. Although Viagra does have risks associated with it, the drug also has many benefits. It helps eliminate malaria too.

A first-of-its-kind study has revealed that the sex-enhancing drug Viagra may help people at risk for diabetes by improving insulin sensitivity in them.

The erectile dysfunction drug sildenafil, sold as Viagra and other brand names, inhibits an enzyme resulting in relaxation of smooth muscle and increased blood flow.

Sildenafil is used to treat erectile dysfunction and pulmonary arterial hypertension.

In animal studies, researchers from Vanderbilt University Medical Centre in the US have found that sildenafil also can improve insulin sensitivity, the uptake of glucose from the bloodstream by muscle.

This action can lower the level of circulating glucose, and potentially reduce the risk of diabetes.

While further studies are needed to determine whether long-term treatment can prevent the onset of diabetes in high-risk patients, “sildenafil and related drugs could offer a potential avenue for addressing the rising number of diabetes diagnoses”, said Nancy J Brown, chair of the department of medicine at Vanderbilt.

For the study, overweight individuals with prediabetes were randomly assigned to receive sildenafil or placebo (inactive drug) for three months.

Of the 42 participants, those treated with sildenafil were significantly more sensitive to insulin, the researchers reported in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.

Sildenafil and related drugs prevent the specific enzyme from breaking down a chemical in the body called “cyclic GMP” which relaxes blood vessels and increases insulin sensitivity.

“But unlike some other methods of raising cyclic GMP, sildenafil did not decrease an anti-clotting chemical in the body,” the Vanderbilt researchers reported.

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Health Tip: Getting Ready for Pregnancy

Suggestions before you conceive

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Health Tip: Using Technology to Get Fit

From apps to trackers

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Charlie Sheen is HIV positive but he doesn’t have AIDS: The difference between them

Charlie Sheen, Charlie Sheen HIV Charlie Sheen may have freed himself from blackmail by publicly disclosing he is HIV positive, but the hard-partying actor may have opened the door to even more legal troubles. (Source: AP)

Actor Charlie Sheen’s announcement about his HIV positive status may have evoked mixed reactions for its delay, but for many, the line that separates a person living with HIV and one with full blown AIDS is still blurred.

(Also read: Charlie Sheen expects lawsuits over HIV status, but crime hard to prove)

HIV positive status means a person has the Human Immunodeficiency Virus in his/her bloodstream but the person’s immunity has not been compromised enough to make him/her a full blown case. However, the person is capable of transmitting the virus either through sexual contact, transfer of blood and blood products and sharing needles.


Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is said to have occurred when the person becomes a victim of opportunistic infections like TB and diarrhoea, cold infections etc., and it becomes almost a daily occurrence. It is in a sense the last stage of the disease.

(Also read: Charlie Sheen’s major controversies)

The extent to which the immune system is compromised is measured by what is called CD4 count. CD4 cells, also known as T-helper cells are a kind of white blood cell that is a crucial part of the immune system of the body. They move through the blood stream identifying and destroying invading pathogens. Normally, every cubic mm of blood contains anything between 800-1300 CD4 cells, a higher count signifying better immunity.

Based on a person’s CD4 count a cocktail of anti-virals called anti-retroviral treatment (ART) is started on people like Sheen who are living with HIV. Recent developments in medicine have been such that it is now possible for a person who is HIV+ to stave off the disease for a very long time — or even for life by following a strict regimen and disciplined lifestyle.

It is for this reason that India has recently decided to make people living with HIV who have a CD4 count of 500 eligible for ART. Earlier the norm was 300.

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Wednesday, November 18, 2015

More Than 8 Percent of Kids With Cancer May Be Genetically Prone to the Disease

Genetic screening might be useful for all childhood cancer patients, researchers say

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Type 2 Diabetes Drug Helps Some With Chronic Depression: Study

Insulin resistance may underlie the mental illness, researcher says

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Almost 1 in 10 Americans Has Lifelong Drug Problem

Federal study suggests only about one-quarter seek treatment for addiction

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New Clues to Easing Side Effects From Parkinson's Drug

Studies in mice, monkeys point to a compound that might lessen levodopa’s debilitating effects

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Health Highlights: Nov. 18, 2015

EPA Plans Tighter Limits on Downwind Air Pollution /div

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Reading self-help books may lead to more stress: Study

The results showed that consumers of problem-focused self-help books consumers presented greater depressive symptoms and that growth oriented self-help books consumers presented increased stress reactivity compared to non-consumers.

People who read self-help books may be more sensitive to stress and show higher depressive symptoms, according to a new study.

The study by researchers, including those from the University of Montreal in Canada, raises doubts about the effectiveness of self-help books. “The sale of self-help books generated over $10 billion in profits in 2009 in the US, which is a good reason to find out if they have a real impact on readers,” said Sonia Lupien, Director of the Centre of Studies on Human Stress (CSHS).

“Initially, we thought we had observed a difference in participants in terms of personality, sense of control, and self-esteem based on their self-help reading habits,” said first author Catherine Raymond, a doctoral student at the Institut universitaire en sante mentale de Montreal.

“In reality, there seems to be no difference between those who read and those who do not read these types of books,” said Raymond.

“However, our results show that while consumers of certain types of self-help books secrete higher levels of cortisol (a stress hormone) when confronted with stressful situations, consumers of another type of self-help books show higher depressive symptomatology compared to non-consumers,” she said. The researchers recruited 30 participants, half of whom were consumers of self-help books. The team measured several elements of the participants, including stress reactivity (salivary cortisol levels), openness, self-discipline, extraversion, compassion, emotional stability, self-esteem, and depressive symptoms.

The group of self-help book consumers was itself divided into two types of readers – those who preferred problem-focused books (for example, Why Is It Always About You? or How Can I Forgive You?: The Courage to Forgive, the Freedom Not To) and those who preferred growth-oriented books (for example, You’re Stronger Than You Think or How to Stop Worrying and Start Living).

The results showed that consumers of problem-focused self-help books consumers presented greater depressive symptoms and that growth oriented self-help books consumers presented increased stress reactivity compared to non-consumers. “It seems that these books do not produce the desired effects. When we observe that the best predictor of purchasing a self-help book is having bought one in the past year, it raises doubts about their effectiveness,” Lupien said.

“Logically, if such books were truly effective, reading just one would be enough to solve our problems,” she said. The study was published in the journal Neural Plasticity.

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1 in 6 Female College Freshmen Raped While Incapacitated: Study

Risk is higher for those similarly victimized before college, researcher says

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Once-a-Week Sex Makes for Happy Couples: Study

More than that doesn’t add to connubial bliss, research shows

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Tips on Making the 'Great American Smokeout' Work for You

Start by smoking on a schedule, not at whim, expert says

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Charges Filed Against Makers of Nutritional Supplements

One company in nationwide sweep sold products with ingredient that caused liver damage, FDA says

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When Antibiotics Are Needed

‘Get Smart’ tips from an expert to prevent their overuse

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Health Tip: Should I See My Dentist?

Signs there may be a problem

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Health Tip: Help Your Toddler Develop Needed Skills

Suggested activities include playing with blocks, stringing large beads

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Fun time’s over: Here’s what being a bully can do to your health

Bullying can have devastating effects on the long-term health of children. (Source: Thinkstock) Bullying can have devastating effects on the long-term health of children. (Source: Thinkstock)

Think it’s cool to be a bully? Think again! Bullies are at an increased risk for anxiety, depression and eating disorders, a new study says.

In this study of 1,420 children, the researchers found that those who bullied others were twice as likely to display symptoms of bulimia, such as binge eating and purging, when compared to children who are not involved in bullying.

“For a long time, there is been this story about bullies that they are a little more hale and hearty,” said lead author William Copeland from Duke University School of Medicine in US.

“Maybe they are good at manipulating social situations or getting out of trouble, but in this one area it seems that is not the case at all,” Copeland stated.

Maybe teasing others may sensitise them to their own body image issues, or afterward, they have regret for their actions that results in these symptoms like binge eating followed by purging or excess exercise, Copeland explained.

The researchers found that children who were both bullies and victims had the highest prevalence of anorexia symptoms and also the highest prevalence of binge eating and vomiting as a way to maintain their weight.

But the impact of bullying behaviour on those who were bullies was also significant, with 30.8% of bullies having symptoms of bulimia compared to 17.6% of children not involved in bullying.

All of these behaviours can have devastating effects on the long-term health of children, Cynthia Bulik from University of North Carolina School of Medicine in US pointed out.

“The bullies’ own body dissatisfaction could fuel their taunting of others. Our findings tell us to raise our vigilance for eating disorders in anyone involved in bullying exchanges — regardless of whether they are the aggressor, the victim, or both,” Bulik said.

The findings will be published in a forthcoming issue of the International Journal of Eating Disorders.

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Feel hungry after work? Eat healthy to avoid weight gain

Evening is certainly the time when hunger strikes the hardest and self control is at its weakest. Whether it is physiological or psychological is hard to distinguish. (Source:

Done with work, most urban Indians reach home and tend to snack with tea or drinks between 6 and 8 pm. According to diet recalls, most people report peak hunger at this time, but consume unhealthy food and extra calories.

This is largely due to easy availability of oily, starchy and processed snacks coupled with poor planning. So extreme is the need to eat that many grab the first thing they can reach. Typical snacks include fried namkeen,chips, biscuits, samosas, kachoris, pakoras, pizzas, noodles and sandwiches. Worse still, this may be followed by a round of alcoholic drinks and end with a hearty dinner and close to midnight.

Evening is certainly the time when hunger strikes the hardest and self control is at its weakest. Whether it is physiological or psychological is hard to distinguish.

Irrespective of the amount eaten at lunch, this time coincides with the greatest need to eat, when the day’s stress and pressure eases (whether at home or at work). Food, certainly, is a great comfort and perfect partner to de-stress with, thereby, creating an internal stimulus to eat.


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Eating inappropriate snacks in the evening and pushing dinner late into the night compounds the dietary mess. Not only does it increase the caloric intake, it also loads the system at the wrong time. It is no wonder that almost every other urban Indian complains of hyper-acidity, gastritis, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), fatigue, sleeping disturbances and expanding waistlines. Unchecked, this eventually results in dyslipidemia (high cholesterol),high blood pressure, increased uric acid, diabetes and even cardio-vascular disease.

According to research, eating late into the night can disturb the hormonal balance and lead to developing obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes. Circadian rhythms are regular mental and physical changes that occur in the course of a day and influence hormones, including insulin and leptin, associated with diabetes and obesity, respectively. Disturbed circadian rhythms also adversely affect blood pressure, gastro-intestinal function, immunity, mental alertness and concentration. According to recent studies, even the obesity gene exhibits day-night variation, increasing after a meal at night.

Coupled with altered circadian rhythms, consuming high-calorie, oil-laden and high-salt and -sugar content food or dangerous trans fats, along with sedentary lifestyles and stress is a lethal cocktail.

Why is it that we cannot change our snack time into meal time? For those at home, this should be a simple solution. Those who cannot because of work constraints, eating healthy snacks only requires a bit of planning. For those who consume alcohol regularly, an option could be to prepone drinking or learn to drink after meals. For those who work late, breaking up the meals and dividing calories between office and home would help prevent loading up calories late at night.

Even according to traditional Indian wisdom and Ayurvedic principles, eating large meals after sun-down is undesirable. Changing meal timing and eating the last meal 3-4 hours before going to bed helps improving energy levels and resolving several digestive complaints. When you dine out,eating a light home cooked meal or snack like vegetables, yogurt, nuts, seeds, dal or salad before leaving for a party can prevent excessive hunger as you reach the party. Decrease your food intake as you progress into night.

Simply eating a healthy meal when you are hungriest will do great service not only to your waistline and your gut, but also prevent several serious degenerative diseases.

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