Thursday, April 30, 2015

Dropping One Sugary Soda a Day Could Cut Diabetes Risk: Study

Drinking water, unsweetened tea or coffee instead lowered chances of blood sugar disease by 25 percent

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Breast Reconstruction Often Involves Multiple Operations

Study finds most breast cancer patients will need two or more procedures to complete process

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Many Pregnant Women Think E-Cigarettes 'Safer' Than Regular Cigarettes

But expectant moms shouldn’t use nicotine in any form, experts say

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2-Minute Walk Every Hour May Help Offset Effects of Sitting

Study found short bouts of light activity seem to boost longevity

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Want to Stay Slim? Keep Food Out of Sight

Low self-esteem is also linked to obesity, study finds

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Colorado Dog Key to U.S. Plague Outbreak, Study Confirms

Health officials detail rare, multiple-case infection

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Study Casts Doubt on Use of Common Antibiotic for UTIs in Women

Canadian researchers find other antibiotics may beat nitrofurantoin, but one expert says drug still useful

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Heart Failure Implant Tied to Weakening of Thinking, Memory

Research suggests left ventricular assist devices aren’t a magic bullet

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Sharing Breast Milk May Pose Risks Women Haven't Considered

Survey shows few ask about health of donor, discuss option with doctor

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Heroin Use Surges Among Whites Who Abuse Prescription Painkillers

Efforts to curb illicit drug use should target this population, researchers say

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Health Highlights: April 30, 2015

German Measles Eliminated From the Americas: WHO Meat Producer Tyson Will Stop Using Antibiotics in Chickens by 2017 Weight Watchers Founder Jean Nidetch Die

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Coming Soon: A Test to Gauge Your Obesity Risk?

Certain digestive byproducts could point to trouble, best treatments – someday, researchers say

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Drop in Drunk Driving Crashes May Have Boosted U.S. Economy

Study tallied savings from fewer medical bills, lower legal costs, lost productivity and property damage

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Whole Blood Best for Youngest Heart Surgery Patients: Study

Exposure to fewer donors may reduce lifelong risks

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Cloudy Climes May Up Risk of Pancreatic Cancer: Study

Shortage of vitamin D may be to blame

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Where You're Treated for Heart Attack Matters

Study finds survival difference of about one year between high- and low-performing hospitals

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Health Tip: Fight Food-Related Peer Pressure

Teach kids how to make healthy choices while with friends

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Health Tip: Muscle Up Your Memory

You’re never too old to learn

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Catch some sun to lower pancreatic cancer risk

pancreatic-cancer-main Low levels of vitamin D could raise risk of pancreatic cancer (Source: Thinkstock Images)

Low levels of vitamin D could raise risk of pancreatic cancer as the rates of the disease are the highest in countries with the least amount of sunlight, says a study.

“If you are living at a high latitude or in a place with a lot of heavy cloud cover, you cannot make vitamin D most of the year, which results in a higher-than-normal risk of getting pancreatic cancer,” said first author Cedric Garland from the University of California San Diego School of Medicine.

According to the study, people who live in sunny countries near the equator have only one-sixth of the age-adjusted incidence rate of pancreatic cancer as those who live far from it.

“The importance of sunlight deficiency strongly suggests — but does not prove — that vitamin D deficiency may contribute to the development of pancreatic cancer,” Garland noted.

Vitamin D is naturally produced by the body when the skin is directly exposed to sunlight. Limited foods also contain vitamin D. While fatty fish, such as salmon and tuna, are good sources, cheese and egg yolks provide small amounts.

The researchers studied data from 107 countries, taking into account international differences and possible confounders, such as alcohol consumption, obesity and smoking.

“While these other factors also contribute to risk, the strong inverse association with cloud-cover adjusted sunlight persisted even after they were accounted for,” Garland said.

As per the World Cancer Research Fund International, pancreatic cancer is the 12th most common cancer in the world.

Incidence rates are highest in North America and Europe; lowest in Africa and Asia.

The study appeared in the Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

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Protein-rich breakfast help control sugar in diabetics

protein_759 Individuals with Type-2 diabetes generally have difficulty regulating their glucose, or blood sugar, levels, particularly after meals. (Source: Thinkstock Images)

If you are suffering from Type-2 diabetes, having a breakfast rich in protein — 25 to 30 grams — can reduce glucose spikes at both breakfast and lunch, a new research has found.

Individuals with Type-2 diabetes generally have difficulty regulating their glucose, or blood sugar, levels, particularly after meals.

(Also read: All you wanted to know about Diabetes)

“The first meal of the day is critical in maintaining glycemic control at later meals, so it really primes people for the rest of the day,” said Jill Kanaley, professor at the University of Missouri.

The researchers monitored Type-2 diabetics’ levels of glucose, insulin and several gut hormones — which help regulate the insulin response — after breakfast and lunch.

The participants ate either high-protein or high-carbohydrate breakfasts, and the lunch included a standard amount of protein and carbohydrates.

(Also read: Four ways how Homeopathy gets into root to cure Diabetes)

The researchers found eating more protein at breakfast lowered individuals’ post-meal glucose levels.

Insulin levels were slightly elevated after the lunch meal, which demonstrated that individuals’ bodies were working appropriately to regulate blood-sugar levels, Kanaley said.

The researchers cautioned that although it would be helpful for individuals with high blood sugar to eat more protein, they do not need to consume extreme amounts of protein to reap the benefits.

(Also read: Love to watch late-night TV? You might develop Diabetes)

“We suggest consuming 25 to 30 grams of protein at breakfast, which is within the range of the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) recommendations,” Kanaley said.

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Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Surge in Pollen May Spur Many Cases of Dry Eye

Both are at their worst this time of year, study says

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Hispanic Women's Upbeat Outlook May Boost Heart Health

Study finds they worry less about weight, diet than whites, and have better cardiac profiles

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Traumatic Life Events May Harm Women's Hearts, Study Suggests

Managing stress as important as lowering blood pressure to prevent heart attack, expert says

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Drugs Show Promise for Some Advanced Lung Cancers

Two experimental medications target mutation that fuels treatment resistance

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Better Diabetes Blood Sugar Management Leads to Fewer Eye Surgeries

Intensive therapy cut risk of needing a procedure in half, researchers report

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Put Car Seat on Your Summer-Travel Checklist

Expert clarifies age and size requirements

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C-Section Rates Drop Slightly With Hospital Review Program

Newborn complications also decreased, Canadian study reports

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Knowledge Is Power for Patients With Heart Failure

Death rates may be higher for those lacking clear grasp of doctor’s instructions, study suggests

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Kybella Approved for Double Chin

Drug mimics body’s own fat-destroying chemical

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3D 'Printout' Device Keeps Very Ill Babies Breathing

Flexible implant adapts with child’s growth, researchers say

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4 in 10 Americans Breathe Unhealthy Air: Report

Some cities showed improvements in air quality, while others had their worst record ever

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FDA Approves Injected Drug for 'Double Chin'

Kybella contains naturally produced, fat-absorbing compound, agency says

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First Generic Abilify Approved

For treatment of bipolar disorder or schizophrenia

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Half of U.S. Hospitals Could Do More to Prevent Serious Infections, Study Finds

Although many precautions are in place, not enough centers set strict antibiotic limits

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Curbing School Bus Pollution Might Reduce Absences

Improved emission controls produced big benefits for students with asthma, study found

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Health Highlights: April 29, 2015

Hawaii Poised to Raise Legal Age to Buy Tobacco to 21 Puppy Chews Recalled Over Salmonella Risk Genetically Altered Foods Removed From Chipotle Menu /

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Experimental AIDS Vaccine Targets Hidden Virus

HIV-infected patients appear to get an immune system boost, study found

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COPD Tied to Raised Risk for Sudden Cardiac Death

Experts weren’t surprised, since smoking often contributes to the respiratory disease and heart trouble

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Health Tip: Fitting a Bicycle Helmet

Use padding to get a better fit

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Health Tip: Promoting Independence in Children

Establish specific rules

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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Company to Destroy 265 Tons of Ice Cream Over Listeria Contamination

Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams says amount would fill 15 tractor trailers, move will cost more than 2.5 million

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Start Healthy Eating Habits Early to Head Off Obesity in Kids

Provide a variety of nutritious options, model good eating behavior, experts suggest

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Ex-Baseball Star Kirk Gibson Has Parkinson's Disease

The movement disorder often leads to trembling, slowed movement, poor balance and coordination

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Breast-Feeding May Lower Breast Cancer Recurrence, Death: Study

Strongest benefit seen in most common types of tumors, researchers say

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Switch From U.S. to African Diet May Lower Colon Cancer Risk in Blacks

Study found more polyps, other markers of colon tumor risk in those eating ‘Western’ high-fat, low-fiber fare

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Beijing Olympics Study Hints at Smog's Impact on Birth Weights

Babies born when pollution was controlled were about a half pound heavier

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Gene Discoveries Could Help Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment

New research reveals clues to disease severity, potential outcomes

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High-Pitched Sounds May Trigger Seizures in Cats

The louder the noise, the more severe the jerking motions, researchers report

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Few Sickle Cell Patients Receiving Beneficial Drug, Study Finds

Medication helps reduce painful episodes

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ER Practices Key to Helping Those Addicted to Painkillers: Study

Giving patients drug that helps ease withdrawal works better than simple referrals, experts say

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Health Highlights: April 28, 2015

Hawaii Poised to Raise Legal Age to Buy Tobacco to 21 Puppy Chews Recalled Over Salmonella Risk Genetically Altered Foods Removed From Chipotle Menu /

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Microneedle Patch Might Boost Global Measles Vaccination Rates

It’s designed to be easier to use, safer, more portable than syringes, researchers report

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Why Western diets can raise your cancer risk after just two weeks

EATING a high protein, fat-loaded Western diet for just two weeks can increase the risk of bowel cancer, according to research.

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Women's Brains May Have Tougher Time Recovering From Concussion

MRI study suggests working memory doesn’t bounce back quickly as it does in men

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Scientists Pinpoint Brain's 'Hunger Circuit' in Mice

Manipulating this wiring system might help with weight loss, researcher says

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Milder Autism Typically Diagnosed Later in Girls

They’re more likely to show social awkwardness rather than physical symptoms, study finds

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Health Tip: Gear up for Sports

Drink lots of water

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Bullying May Take Bigger Toll Than Child Abuse, Neglect

Anxiety, depression and self-harm more likely in those picked on by peers than in those mistreated by adults, study says

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Health Tip: Promptly Treat a Minor Burn

But wound more than 3 inches in diameter needs a doctor’s care

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Depression does not lead to violent behaviour

violence-main Contrary to popular perception, people suffering from depression may not be more prone to commit violent acts in the future (Source: Thinkstock Images)

Contrary to popular perception, people suffering from depression may not be more prone to commit violent acts in the future, says a new research.

The fact that the German co-pilot suspected to be behind the deadly plane crash in the French Alps last month, killing himself along with the 149 people on board, was apparently suffering from depression has prompted many to speculate that most psychiatric disorders could lead to violent behaviour.

According to the new findings only substance use disorders predict future violence.

“Our findings are relevant to the recent tragic plane crash in the French Alps. Our findings show that no one could have predicted that the pilot — who apparently suffered from depression — would perpetrate this violent act,” said corresponding author Linda Teplin, professor at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in the US.

“It is not merely a suicide, but an act of mass homicide,” Teplin noted.

The study did find, however, that males with mania were more than twice as likely to report current violence than those without. But these relationships are not necessarily causal, the researchers noted.

Delinquent youth with psychiatric illness have multiple risk factors — such as living in violent and impoverished neighbourhoods — the study emphasised.

The study used data from youth who were detained at the Cook County Juvenile Temporary Detention Center in Chicago between 1995 and 1998.

Violence and psychiatric disorders were assessed via self-report in 1,659 youth aged 13 to 25 years.

“We must improve how we address multiple problems — including violent behaviour — as part of psychiatric treatment,” study first author Katherine Elkington, assistant professor of clinical psychology in psychiatry at Columbia University Medical School, pointed out.

The study was published in the Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry.

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Monday, April 27, 2015

Divorce May Increase Psychosomatic Symptoms in Teens: Study

Fewest health-related problems occurred in adolescents with two parents living in same home

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New Drug Class Slashes 'Bad' Cholesterol, Review Finds

If approved, medications could be used by people who don’t respond to statins

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Smartphone App Blocks Teens From Texting, Phoning While Driving

New study suggests experimental device might reduce distracted-driving accidents

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U.S. Lowers Recommended Fluoride Levels in Drinking Water

Move is attempt to prevent teeth staining caused by overexposure to the mineral

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Pediatrics Group Advises Doctors on How to Spot Child Abuse

New guidance offers suggestions on protecting children, too

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Hodgkin's Lymphoma Survivors Face Higher Long-Term Heart Risks

Study suggests chemotherapy, radiation can damage the heart for decades to come

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Health Highlights: April 27, 2015

Puppy Chews Recalled Over Salmonella Risk Genetically Altered Foods Removed From Chipotle Menu /div

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Study Challenges Salt Guidelines for Kids

But one expert questions the controversial findings

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Why diets are doomed to fail: Your genes are hard-wired to seek out food

IF you struggle to stick to a diet, it may be more than just lack of will-power.

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Health Tip: Needing Folic Acid

Here’s who should take the supplement

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HPV Vaccine Produces Early Benefits for Teen Girls: Study

Risk of precancerous changes dropped 44 percent several years after immunization

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Health Tip: Smoking Affects Your Heart

It increases the risk of heart disease

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Doctors Say Head Lice Should Not Bar Kids From School

American Academy of Pediatrics also gives advice on best medicines to treat infestation

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MRI May Help Gauge Stroke Risk in Those With Irregular Heartbeat

People with atrial fibrillation could benefit, experts say

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Depression, Weapons May Be More Common for Bullied Teens

Cyber abuse often causes more damage than face-to-face nastiness, researcher says

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Pediatricians Issue New Guidelines for Hospital Release of Newborns

Doctors should consider baby’s health, as well as family readiness and support

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First HIV home test kit works just like a pregnancy test

HIV-main The first HIV self-test kit that allows people to get a result in 15 minutes at home, is now on sale in Britain (Source: Thinkstock Images)

The first HIV self-test kit that allows people to get a result in 15 minutes at home, is now on sale in Britain, media reported on Monday.

The do-it-yourself test is made by company ‘Bio Sure UK’ and can be bought online, BBC reported. It works just like a pregnancy test, measuring levels of antibodies in a person’s blood.

The device analyses a small droplet of blood, taken from the finger-tip using a lancet. Two purple lines denotes a positive result.

The company recommends attending sexual health clinics for advice and further blood tests, if both lines appear.

According to health officials, an early diagnosis will help people get a treatment soon and also prevent serious complications.

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Just one drink a day ups liver disease risk

beer, drink, alcohol, health, health news If you like to believe that one alcoholic drink a day would not harm you, read this carefully.

If you like to believe that one alcoholic drink a day would not harm you, read this carefully.

New research has found that moving from moderate to heavy daily drinking – up to one drink a day for women and two drinks a day for men – increases liver cirrhosis risk.

The researchers analysed the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) Global Status Report on Alcohol and Health, which included parameters of alcohol consumption and drinking patterns from 193 countries.

The data showed that the cirrhosis burden caused by alcohol increased by 11.13 percent when moving from the moderate to heavy daily drinking classification.

“The presence of heavy daily drinkers in a population most significantly and independently influences the weight of alcohol in a country’s cirrhosis burden,” said one of the researchers Eva Stein from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

According to the WHO, excessive alcohol drinking is the most common cause of cirrhosis worldwide.

Most studies assessing the prevalence of alcohol abuse as a risk factor for alcoholic cirrhosis focus on total annual amount drunk per person.

However, the researchers highlight that clinical studies suggest that it is a high daily consumption which is the strongest predictor of alcoholic cirrhosis.

According to WHO’s “Global Status Report on Alcohol and Health”, around six percent of global deaths are caused by drinking alcohol, the majority from alcoholic cirrhosis – scarring of the liver as a result of continuous, long-term liver damage.

Half of all cases of cirrhosis are caused by alcohol.

The study was presented at The International Liver Congress 2015 in Vienna, Austria.

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Sunday, April 26, 2015

More U.S. Newborns Enduring Drug Withdrawal: Study

Number of babies in intensive care for addiction treatment four times higher than a decade ago

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Just 1 Hour of Daily TV Boosts Kids' Obesity Risk, Study Suggests

Odds increased nearly 50 percent with 60 minutes or more of daily screen time

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Health Food Stores Often Promote Adult-Only Supplements to Teens

More than 40 percent of stores called by minors suggested buying testosterone booster

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More Than 1 in 10 Teens Has Tried E-Cigarettes, Study Finds

Use of the devices highest among older teens and males

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Very Young Kids Often Use Tablets, Smartphones, Study Finds

By age 2, many spend an hour or more a day on mobile devices, but parents have concerns

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Saturday, April 25, 2015

Phone-Focused Parents a Danger to Their Kids at Playground

This distraction raises odds of child injuries, study finds

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Teens With History of Self-Poisoning Face Greater Suicide Risk

Study finds odds as much as 30 times higher, even years later

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Young Brains May Gain Skills When Parents Read to Kids

Small study using MRIs suggests being read to boosts ability to visualize stories

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Plantar Fasciitis is

Plantar Fasciitis is an injury sustained as the result of repetitive stress placed on the bottom of the foot. More specifically, its damage sustained on the fascia—a thin layer of fibrous tissue that protects other tissues within your feet. Many people develop Plantar Fasciitis from long periods of standing, running, or performing various load-bearing activities. For more information for a fast plantar fasciitis cure, you can visit this website.

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Friday, April 24, 2015

Prices of MS Drugs Soaring, Study Finds

No medications available for disabling disease for less than $50,000 a year in United States, researchers say

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Diet Diary: It’s comfortable but keep an eye on that microwave

health, healthy cooking. healthy eating, microwave, micorwave cooking, ishi khosla columns Though the microwave has enjoyed a fairly good safety record, it uses electromagnetic radiations that cause water, fat and sugar molecules in food to vibrate quickly and build-up heat energy.

While the microwave oven has undeniably offered a convenient way to heat food, prompting its extensive use in urban homes and commercial properties, newer studies are, however, pointing out some concerns.

Though the microwave has enjoyed a fairly good safety record, it uses electromagnetic radiations that cause water, fat and sugar molecules in food to vibrate quickly and build-up heat energy. Heating in general destroys some heat labile nutrients. However, if cooking time is short as in microwaves, it does a better job of preserving those nutrients.

Regulatory health authorities consider it safe, if instructions are followed correctly.

Some studies have shown health concerns relating to its radiations and others to its nutritional aspect. Its well documented that nutritional value of microwaved food is preserved effectively, may be better than conventional cooking. However, losses of certain essential nutrients like antioxidants, flavanoid (disease fighting components), vitamins like vitamin B12 and other phenolic compounds have been reported. One of the studies have reported higher losses of flavonoids (97%), sinapic acid derivatives (74%) and caffeoyl-quinic acid derivatives (87%) in broccoli, when it was microwaved compared to conventional cooking methods.

Somalia al-Shabab_Kuma

Researchers suggest using water minimally during cooking of vegetables to help prevent these losses.
A word of caution for mothers who use the microwave for heating formula or breast milk. According a study published in the journal, Paediatrics, microwaving can destroy the essential disease-fighting components in breast milk that offer protection to infants. Microwaved breast milk loses lysozyme activity, antibodies, and may foster the growth of more potentially harmful bacteria.

Till further research evidence is gathered, it is suggested that microwaves are used with care, not as an alternative to conventional cooking and are better used for reheating. An occasional micro-waved meal will certainly not be harmful but a steady diet of eating foods cooked in microwave can certainly be a health concern.

Ishi Khosla is a former senior nutritionist at Escorts. She heads the Centre of Dietary Counselling and also runs a health food store. She feels that for complete well-being, one should integrate physical, mental and spiritual health. According to her: “To be healthy should be the ultimate goal for all.”

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Childhood Self-Control Linked to Better Job Prospects Later in Life

Study shows potential long-term impact from behavior learned as a child

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Drug-Related HIV Outbreak Spurs Nationwide CDC Alert

More than 140 cases of the AIDS-causing virus reported in rural Indiana

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2nd U.S. Ice Cream Maker Pulls All Products After Listeria Threat

Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams joins Blue Bell Creameries after test showing contamination

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Health Visits May Offer Chance to Prevent Suicide

Study says many see a doctor before ending their life

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Late-Life Transition Like Bruce Jenner's Full of Challenges, Rewards, Experts Say

People with issues involving gender identity may struggle for years before taking action

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Cigars Pose Dangers Similar to Cigarettes

Risk of death and certain cancers increased, study finds

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Baby Swings, Car Seats Not Safe for Sleeping

To avoid suffocation, put infants down in a crib, expert says

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Daily Aspirin Taken by More Than Half of Older U.S. Adults

Usage doesn’t always comply with national guidelines

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Health Highlights: April 24, 2015

FDA Warns Supplement Makers About Stimulant /div

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Childhood Abuse, Neglect Linked to High Blood Pressure in Adulthood

Finding suggests interventions aimed at these kids might make a difference, researcher says

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Health Tip: Preparing Your Child for Camp

Work on social skills

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Health Tip: Get Active During Summer

Suggestions for a healthier you

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Stretch marks, back pain and firmness: Why you need to wear a sports bra

YOU may have spent a fortune on gym membership and invested in a great new kit. But it’s more than likely that you’re missing the most vital piece of exercise equipment of all - a sports bra.

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Cigar smoking not a safe alternative

cigar-main If you thought smoking cigars is less harmful than smoking cigarettes, your are wrong. (Source: Thinkstock Images)

If you thought smoking cigars is less harmful than smoking cigarettes, your are wrong. New research associates many of the same fatal conditions as cigarette smoking.

Researchers from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) carried out a systematic review of studies about cigar smoking and all-cause and smoking-related mortality to gain more comprehensive information about the long-term public health implications of cigar use.

“The results reinforce the fact that cigar smoking carries many of the same health risks as cigarette smoking.

“Cigar smoking is linked to fatal oral, esophageal, pancreatic, laryngeal, and lung cancers, as well as heart disease and aortic aneurysm,” said lead researcher Cindy Chang from Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Consumption of cigars in the USA doubled from 6.2 billion cigars in 2000 to more than 13.7 billion in 2011. This contrasts with a 33% reduction in cigarette consumption over the same period.

There is particular concern about cigar use in youth and young adults.

The team wanted to examine the health risks to current cigar smokers compared to those who never smoked cigarettes or never used any tobacco, so they excluded any study that involved current cigarette smokers.

As such, 22 studies were analysed that were primarily conducted in the USA, the UK, Canada, Denmark, Sweden and Finland.

The authors also report that those who exclusively smoked cigars and had never smoked other tobacco products also had an increased risk of all-cause mortality.A

The risk of death from oral, oesophageal and lung cancers was found to increase with inhalation of cigar smoke.

Even in those who reported not inhaling cigar smoke, there was an increased risk of death caused by oral, laryngeal and oesophageal cancer.

The study was published in open access journal BMC Public Health.

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Thursday, April 23, 2015

Ebola Outbreak May Have Led to Almost 11,000 Additional Malaria Deaths: Study

Overwhelmed systems caused deadly disruptions in health care, experts say

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Foods That Help Keep the Pounds Off as You Age

Study found it’s not just about calories; some foods not as bad for waistline as thought

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Malaria Vaccine Shows Promise in Shielding African Children

Even though shot offered less-than-perfect protection, millions might benefit, researchers say

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Poison Ivy, Oak and Sumac Rashes Can Be Serious

But, expert says most can safely be treated at home

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Smog May Be Harming Your Brain

Tiny particles of pollution might shrink the brain and increase risk of ‘silent’ strokes, study contends

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Moderate Drinking May Be Less Beneficial for Blacks

Guidelines might need modification to reflect racial differences, researcher says

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Orthopedist Offers Tips for Preventing Shoulder Injuries

Strengthening, stretching exercises help maintain stability

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Why Ringing in the Ears May Be Hard to Treat

Study found tinnitus activates much larger area of brain than normal sounds do

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Many Breast Cancer Patients Still Opt for Mastectomy Over Lump Removal

Better pre-surgical chemotherapy means more of the breast can safely be saved, researchers say

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Antibiotic Shortages On the Rise in U.S.

Commonly used medicines are essential, but not profitable for companies, expert says

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Genes May Determine Whether You're Mosquito Bait

Study found DNA-linked body odor attracts or repels biting insects

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Ovary Removal Reduces Breast Cancer Death in BRCA1 Carriers: Study

The sooner, the better, researchers found

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Health Highlights: April 23, 2015

Judge Approves NFL Concussion Settlement Trader Joe’s Sausage Recalled Woman’s Death After Taking Diet Pills Under Investigation /div

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Impotence Drugs Don't Fix All Sexual Concerns: Study

Even with the meds, many men worry about erections, orgasms and desire

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Health Tip: Are You at Risk for Hip Strain?

Athletes are considered at higher risk

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Heroin Use Levels Off in U.S., But Still High: Report

Number of people needing treatment also rose in recent years

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Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Chronic Migraines Take Big Toll on Families, Survey Finds

Debilitating headaches meant less participation in family activities, canceled plans each month

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Could Weak Bones, Sudden Hearing Loss Be Linked?

In study, people with osteoporosis were at higher risk for deafness occurring over a few days

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New Technology Tests Tumors Inside the Patient to Find Best Treatment

Experimental devices might reduce risk of side effects, lower costs, researchers say

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Bird Flu Poses Little Threat to People: CDC

Genetic analysis indicates public shouldn’t be alarmed, ‘cautiously optimistic’ health officials say

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Ebola Treatment Shows Promise in Monkey Study

Antiviral drug cured animals with advanced infections, researchers say

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Vaccine Spurs Immune Response to Fight Aggressive Cancers in Mice

Researchers have begun early human trials, say findings could lead to blueprint for tailored treatments

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Gene Therapy Shows Promise for Rare Immune Disorder

People with Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome rarely live beyond their 20s, 30s

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Depression Tied to Worse Outcomes for Black Patients With Heart Failure

Treating mental health condition might improve cardiovascular health, expert says

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Gene May Play Part in How Kids Respond to Asthma Meds: Study

Chemical signal linked to how well corticosteroids worked

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Health Highlights: April 22, 2015

Dr. Oz Says He Won’t be Silenced Botulism Suspected in Ohio Death and Illnesses /div

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Ban Flavoring, Ads for E-Cigarettes, Doctors' Group Says

Backers of the devices say bans would destroy the market, may drive some smokers back to cigarettes

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Most Adults Don't Support Medical Marijuana for Kids, Poll Finds

Most also disapprove of its use in front of children

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Coffee shields you against breast cancer recurrence

People who drink three to five cups of coffee a day may have a lower risk of heart attack. People who drink three to five cups of coffee a day may have a lower risk of heart attack.

Drinking just two cups of coffee a day can help inhibit the growth of tumours and reduce the risk of recurrence in women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer, a new research suggests.

The researchers combined information about the patients’ lifestyle and clinical data from 1,090 breast cancer patients with studies on breast cancer cells.

“The study shows that among the over 500 women treated with (the drug) tamoxifen, those who had drunk at least two cups of coffee a day had only half the risk of recurrence of those who drank less coffee or none at all,” explained Ann Rosendahl, one of the researchers from Lund University in Sweden.

“The study also shows that those who drank at least two cups of coffee a day had smaller tumours and a lower proportion of hormone-dependent tumours. We saw that this was already the case at the time of diagnosis,” Rosendahl noted.

In the cell study, the researchers looked more closely at two substances found in coffee — caffeine and caffeic acid.

“The breast cancer cells reacted to these substances, especially caffeine, with reduced cell division and increased cell death, especially in combination with tamoxifen,” Rosendahl noted.

“This shows that these substances have an effect on the breast cancer cells and turn off signalling pathways that the cancer cells require to grow,” Rosendahl said.

The study appeared in the journal Clinical Cancer Research.

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Health Tip: Manage Weight-Loss Goals

Adjust targets as needed

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Health Tip: Dealing With Bedtime Anxiety

Reassure children that they’ll be safe

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Statins Carry Some Risk for Seniors, Study Suggests

Cholesterol-lowering drugs cut heart risks, but may spur muscle weakness, memory declines

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Royal juice: Kate Middleton's diet secret

THE Duchess of Cambridge gets her vitamin hit by making healthy juices with her Nutribullet blender.

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Lethal liver cancer can be spotted early

liver-main Liver cancer is life-threatening because it is generally diagnosed in the later stages.

Liver cancer is life-threatening because it is generally diagnosed in the later stages. Now, scientists have identified a diagnostic biomarker of the disease and a potential way to reverse the damage done.

“Hepatocellular carcinoma, the most common form of liver cancer, remains the third leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide due to a lack of biomarkers for early detection and rapid fatality shortly after diagnosis,” said Ying Fu from the Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Centre in Washington, DC.

In new research, Fu and his team found that a damaged lesion on a DNA base (guanine) is correlated with the development of hepatocellular carcinoma in two mouse models.

“It has the potential to serve as a biomarker for early detection of hepatocellular carcinoma,” the team noted.

Furthermore, polyphenon E, a formulation of green tea extract containing antioxidant catechins (plant metabolites) showed the most potent effect to suppress the lesion.

“More importantly, 86 percent of the mice on the polyphenon E diet appeared to have complete protection from tumour development,” Fu claimed.

The study was presented at the American Association for Cancer Research’s (AACR) annual meeting in Philadelphia this week.

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Tuesday, April 21, 2015

FDA Weighs Tighter Regulation of Homeopathic Medicines

Critics say these natural remedies are ineffective, potentially dangerous; backers contend current oversight is sufficient

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Mindfulness-Based Therapy as Good as Meds for Depression, Study Says

Results suggest possible alternative to long-term drug use

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Diabetes Drug May Not Guard Against Pancreatic Cancer

Survival not significantly different from patients who didn’t take metformin, study finds

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Many Young Adults With Autism Face Unemployment, Isolation

Report highlights need for more services for this age group

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Training Programs for Parents Tied to Better Behavior in Kids With Autism

Behavior management strategies seemed to make a difference, study found

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Could High-Dose Insulin Prevent Type 1 Diabetes in High-Risk Kids?

Study found daily capsules of the natural hormone triggered protective immune response

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Freedom to Fidget Helps Kids With ADHD Learn: Study

The more they were able to move during tests, the better they did

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Another Study Finds No Vaccine-Autism Link

Finding held true even for children at risk for the developmental disorder

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More Kids With Type 1 Diabetes Facing Dangerous Complication

Diabetic ketoacidosis can prove serious; researchers point to lack of insurance leading to late diagnosis

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Study Supports HPV Vaccination Guidelines

Protection may go beyond cervical infection

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Ice Cream Maker Pulls All Products After Listeria Outbreak

Blue Bell Creameries said new tests showing contamination prompted move

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5.3 Million Chickens To Be Killed After Bird Flu Outbreak at Iowa Farm

Experts stress this strain poses little risk to humans

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Health Highlights: April 21, 2015

Bill Would Require FDA to Study Ingredients in Cosmetics, Personal Care Products Dr. Oz to Respond to Criticisms /div

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Babies May Be More Sensitive to Pain Than Adults

Study of newborns upends some longstanding beliefs

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Some Arthritis Meds Cost Seniors Thousands Annually

Out-of-pocket expenses keep many Medicare patients from taking needed drugs, study suggests

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For Earth Day, Turn Off the Faucet and the Ignition

Experts remind Americans to conserve their natural resources

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Dietary supplements may cause cancer

M_Id_450770_vitamins_pills Over-the-counter dietary supplements you thought were good for you may actually increase cancer risk if taken in excess

Over-the-counter dietary supplements you thought were good for you may actually increase cancer risk if taken in excess of the recommended daily amount, says a new research.

“We are not sure why this is happening at the molecular level but evidence shows that people who take more dietary supplements than needed tend to have a higher risk of developing cancer,” said lead researcher Tim Byers from the University of Colorado Cancer Centre.

The line of research started 20 years ago with the observation that people who ate more fruits and vegetables tended to have less cancer.

Researchers including Byers wanted to see if taking extra vitamins and minerals would reduce cancer risk even further. They studied thousands of patients for 10 years, who were taking dietary supplements and placebos. The results were not what they expected.

“We found that the supplements were actually not beneficial for their health. In fact, some people actually got more cancer while on the vitamins,” Byers said.

One trial exploring the effects of beta-keratin supplements showed that taking more than the recommended dosage increased the risk of developing both lung cancer and heart disease by 20 percent.

Folic acid, which was thought to help reduce the number of polyps in a colon, actually increased the number in another trial.

“If taken at the correct dosage, multi-vitamins can be good for you. But there is no substitute for good, nutritional food,” he concluded.

Byers said that people can get the daily recommended doses of vitamins and minerals in their diets by eating healthy meals and that many adults who take vitamin supplements may not need them.

The findings were presented at the American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting 2015 in Pennsylvania, US.

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New mum Claire Sweeney turns to celebrity hypnotherapist to beat sugar addiction

SHE welcomed her adorable son Jaxon in September but as Claire Sweeney adjusts to motherhood there is one pregnancy habit she’s struggled to quit.

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Health Tip: Have a Happy Family Meal

Skip the ‘clean plate club’ rule

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Health Tip: Manage Allergies in the Bedroom

A clean room should mean better sleep

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Overnight fasting may reduce the risk of breast cancer

breast-cancer-main A decrease in the amount of time spent eating and an increase in overnight fasting reduces glucose levels and consequently may reduce the risk of breast cancer.

Overnight fasting may reduce the risk of breast cancer among women, says a study.

A decrease in the amount of time spent eating and an increase in overnight fasting reduces glucose levels and consequently may reduce the risk of breast cancer.

“Increasing the duration of overnight fasting could be a novel strategy to reduce the risk of developing breast cancer,” said first author Catherine Marinac from University of California, San Diego.

“This is a simple dietary change that, we believe, most women can understand and adopt. It may have a big impact on public health without requiring complicated counting of calories or nutrients,” Marinac added.

Women who fasted for longer periods of time overnight had significantly better control over blood glucose concentrations.

The data showed that each three hour increase in night time fasting was associated with a four percent lower postprandial glucose level, regardless of how much women ate.

“The dietary advice for cancer prevention usually focuses on limiting consumption of red meat, alcohol and refined grains while increasing plant-based foods,” said co-author Ruth Patterson, also from UC San Diego.

“New evidence suggests that when and how often people eat can also play a role in cancer risk,” Patterson said.

Women in the study reported eating five times per day with a mean night time fasting of 12 hours.

Those who reported longer fast durations also indicated they consumed fewer calories per day, ate fewer calories after 10 p.m. and had fewer eating episodes.

One maximal aspect of night-time fasting could mean that you didn’t let anything cross your lips from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 a.m., but ate anything you wanted for eight hours a day.

The period of night-time fasting could be reduced but studies have found that fasting brings benefits such as increased insulin sensitivity, improved cholesterol profiles, better cognitive function and, of course, weight loss.

Researchers further recommended large-scale clinical trials to confirm that night time fasting results in favourable changes to biomarkers of glycemic control and breast cancer risk.

The study appeared in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention.

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Monday, April 20, 2015

Mammograms a Personal Decision for Women in Their 40s, Panel Says

U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends screening every 2 years for all after 50

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Adults With Congenital Heart Trouble Need Follow-Up, Experts Say

New American Heart Association guidelines outline health care strategies for these patients

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Medical Groups Issue Guidelines for Treating First Seizure

Epilepsy medication recommended to help stave off second attack

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Many Smokers Try to Quit After Cancer Diagnosis

But majority don’t succeed in kicking the habit, study found

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Treating Sleep Apnea May Help Those With Heart Rhythm Disorder

Researchers recommend sleep disorder screening for patients with atrial fibrillation

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Black Women More Likely to Have Dense Breast Tissue, Study Shows

Finding may help explain greater breast cancer risk in this population, researchers say

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Income May Affect Survival After Lung Cancer Surgery

Study also finds education level, hospital linked to odds of death in month after operation

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Pets Can Spread Infections to People: Review

Vet offers tips on how to protect vulnerable household members

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Health Highlights: April 20, 2015

Dr. Oz Defends TV Show WWHO Acknowledges Poor Ebola Response Elmo Promotes Childhood Vaccinations in New Video CDC Warns Ebola Survivors About Sex/

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'Tamper-Proof' Narcotic Painkiller May Be Curbing Abuse: Study

Number of prescriptions, overdoses dropped, but heroin overdoses went up

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FDA Warns of Bogus Botox

Doctors should closely examine wrinkle-reliever packaging

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Immune-Focused Drugs Show Promise Against Melanoma

Keytruda, Yervoy and other medications harness immune cells to target cancers, experts say

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U.S. Breast Cancer Cases Could Rise 50 Percent by 2030

Elderly women will account for growing proportion of cases, study predicts

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Antibiotics May Be Overused in Many Neonatal ICUs, Study Finds

Big variation seen in prescribing rates, despite little difference in infection rates

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Health Tip: Live Healthier to Help Prevent Osteoporosis

Get weight-bearing exercise and increase dietary calcium

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Health Tip: Prevent Toenail Fungus

Keep feet clean and dry

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Swallowing Pills? Children Can Learn How

Five strategies were identified that help get the medicine down

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Broccoli might save you from oral cancer

broccoli-main Previous studies have shown that cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage and garden cress — which have a high concentration of sulforaphane — help mitigate the effects of environmental carcinogens. (Source: Thinkstock Images)

A new therapy containing broccoli sprout extract has been found to protect not only mice against oral cancer but also tolerable in a small group of healthy human volunteers, says a new study.

“People who are cured of head and neck cancer are still at very high risk for a second cancer in their mouth or throat, and, unfortunately, these second cancers are commonly fatal,” explained lead author Julie Bauman from University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute in the US.

“So we are developing a safe, natural molecule found in cruciferous vegetables to protect the oral lining, where these cancers form,” Bauman noted.

Previous studies have shown that cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage and garden cress — which have a high concentration of sulforaphane — help mitigate the effects of environmental carcinogens.

For the new study, mice predisposed to oral cancer were given sulforaphane for several months and the team found that it significantly reduced the incidence and number of tumours.

The researchers then treated 10 healthy human volunteers with fruit juice mixed with sulforaphane-rich broccoli sprout extract.

The volunteers had no ill-effects from the extract and protective changes were detectable in the lining of their mouths, meaning it was absorbed and directed to at-risk tissue.

The researchers now plan to conduct a clinical trial that will recruit 40 volunteers, who have been curatively treated for head and neck cancer.

The participants will regularly take capsules containing broccoli seed powder to determine if they can tolerate the regimen and whether it has enough of an impact on their oral lining to prevent cancer. From there, larger clinical trials could be warranted, the researchers noted.

“We call this ‘green chemoprevention,’ where simple seed preparations or plant extracts are used to prevent disease,” Bauman noted.

“Green chemoprevention requires less money and fewer resources than a traditional pharmaceutical study and could be more easily disseminated in developing countries where head and neck cancer is a significant problem,” Bauman said.

The findings were presented at the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) annual meeting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

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Sunday, April 19, 2015

What to do when you are dehydrated: Guzzling huge amounts of water can be risky

lime-water-main Sweat is not made up of water alone. One also loses a lot of sodium, chloride, potassium, calcium and magnesium which needs to be replaced. (Source: Thinkstock Images)

This is the third and the last article from the water-sweat series. As I have written in my previous two articles, our cells, collectively, are our biggest reservoirs of water. But when we need sweat to cool us, our body first takes water to manufacture the sweat from our blood.

Maintenance of blood volume is vital, so the loss of blood-water is quickly taken care of by drawing water out from the tissues and tissues in turn pull the water out from our cells. The same process happens when we take fluids – water first reaches the blood, then the tissues and then our cells. The fact is water in our body is not stagnant, but it is a forever moving substance – from blood to the tissues to the cells and vice versa. How does water move in our body from one compartment to another? Who or what pushes it, and what we must do to keep it moving to remain hydrated and healthy?

Like we need transport, let us say a car, truck, train or a plane to move faster and be more active, similarly many substances in our body must be transported across the body at the right places where they are used. We have carrier proteins that have affinity for specific substances like amino acids, salts, sugars and other nutrients that are taken by the carrier proteins in and out of our cells. Unfortunately water gets no such help; it is not actively transported into or from our cells. What then helps the water to travel across, how does it move in and out of our cells?

The answer is that it moves by osmosis, where sodium, potassium and some other minerals play an important role. These minerals (Sodium chloride, higher concentration outside the cells, and potassium chloride, higher concentration inside the cells, are most important for water transport) exist as ions. An ion is a mineral or element that has a positive or negative charge. This unstable ionic state allows the element to bond readily with water, making it possible for the body to absorb it. In this state, an element has specific positive or negative electrical signatures that cause a dynamic equilibrium to take place. The body can then facilitate changes to move water to the areas that need them. Water can directly pass through membranes of the cell in response to changes in ion concentration. In other words, water movement is indirectly controlled by pumping sodium and potassium across our cell membranes. It is therefore vital that we have a balanced concentration of these ions in our body-water. They make us osmotically fit.

When we sweat a lot we lose the minerals too, especially the sodium and also some potassium. Sweat is not made up of water alone. One also loses a lot of sodium, chloride, potassium, calcium and magnesium which needs to be replaced.

After prolong exercise or after losing large amounts of water in sweat, it is dangerous downing large quantities of water alone, it may jeopardize the electrolyte balance of the body making one feel bloated and nauseated. In fact, athletes who lose huge amounts of sweat are advised not to drink just water; they must have water and electrolytes. Drinking huge amounts of plain water after massive sweat loss leads to electrolyte imbalance. The brain is very sensitive to this and it may try and take in large amounts of water in to compensate for the electrolyte deficiency. In many a case this has lead to brain swelling and even death. We have heard about fit marathon runners dropping dead.

What is the right drink after excessive sweat loss?

A sport-drink that contains minerals and very little sugar is the best; it is thousand times better than cool colas, soft drinks, and even fruit juices that contain too much sugar. It quenches our thrust and it also replenishes the mineral loss, keeping up the body-water movement and hydrating our cells. If sports drinks are not available one can make it at home.

Take a liter of water, add a pinch of salt, only two spoons of sugar (it will not taste too sweet, it must not) and fresh lime juice (from two limes to provide enough potassium)

The small amount of sugar and minerals help water absorption in the guts. It is because they are actively transported across our guts into the body by carrier proteins, water just piggybacks. Avoid sugary soft drinks because they have an opposite effect. Coconut water is good too – but it lacks that bit of sugar that increases the water absorption in the guts.

This summer ask yourself, am I osmotically fit?

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